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The Trust at the heart of the Batley community
You can read more about our SEND approach via the four key areas below. These feed into our SEND strategy and play an important part in our provision.
We are committed to identifying strengths of the SEND provision and sharing best-practice across our Trust family of schools. We know that best-practice takes place when colleagues can share knowledge and learn from one another. We do this by:
Collaboration is key. The power of collaboration cannot be underestimated and we pride ourselves on working together with our key stakeholders.
We have a child-centred approach and listen to learner voice to inform our work.
With parents/carers:
With external partners:
Trust SEND Network
Our highly skilled and committed SENDCos (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators) meets at least once every half term to work collaboratively to deliver the SEND vision. This network is led by our Trust SEND Lead who ensures there is a consistent, effective and inclusive culture across our Trust family of schools.
As part of our plan, do, review and evaluate approach, this network regularly reviews and evaluates the impact of our SEND initiatives to ensure our learners receive the best care, guidance and support.
Review and evaluate
We operate a plan, do, review and evaluate approach across the Trust, which means we: