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Batley Multi Academy Trust

The Trust at the heart of the Batley community


SEND: Beyond Boundaries

We are proud of our holistic SEND offer; this inclusive approach drives us to continually be ambitious for all our learners. Each and every child is unique and our family of schools tailor their provision to individual needs.


We have been recognised nationally for our best-practice by industry leading experts in the field, an acknowledgement we pride ourselves on.


You can read more about our SEND approach via the four key areas below. These feed into our SEND strategy and play an important part in our provision.



We are committed to identifying strengths of the SEND provision and sharing best-practice across our Trust family of schools. We know that best-practice takes place when colleagues can share knowledge and learn from one another. We do this by:

  • Ensuring that all schools develop and maintain the most effective approaches to teaching and learning for learners with SEND.
  • Ensuring that high quality SEND CPD is in place for all colleagues.
  • Being part of Kirklees' Cluster Groups - working together to share resources, expertise and best-practice. Each cluster of schools has access to a team of professionals, including Early Support, Educational Psychology, SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) Outreach and the EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) Team. 



Collaboration is key. The power of collaboration cannot be underestimated and we pride ourselves on working together with our key stakeholders.

We have a child-centred approach and listen to learner voice to inform our work.

With parents/carers:

  • We listen and provide consistent advice and guidance to help support their child's individual needs.
  • Our schools host Working Together Coffee Mornings, which provide an open forum for discussion. For more information on these events, please see your child's school website.


With external partners:

  • We have developed strong, strategic relationships with external agencies involved in SEND provision to ensure high quality external SEND support for our schools, learners and families. 
  • We liaise with other organisations, including the local authority, to provide a knowledgeable perspective of how they can best support the Trust’s learners and staff.
  • We engage with SEND experts who have knowledge and experience, in a number of neurodiverse fields, to ensure best-practice remains at the forefront of our work.

Trust SEND Network


Our highly skilled and committed SENDCos (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators) meets at least once every half term to work collaboratively to deliver the SEND vision. This network is led by our Trust SEND Lead who ensures there is a consistent, effective and inclusive culture across our Trust family of schools.

As part of our plan, do, review and evaluate approach, this network regularly reviews and evaluates the impact of our SEND initiatives to ensure our learners receive the best care, guidance and support.​​​​​

Review and evaluate


We operate a plan, do, review and evaluate approach across the Trust, which means we:

  • Monitor the quality of the SEND provision across Trust schools.
  • Put systems in place for identifying SEND and assessing and reviewing SEND provisions.
  • Support and enable SENDCos to perform their roles to the highest standard through coaching and professional development.
  • Create conditions for change within the Trust, driven by evidence and applied learning as well as evolving and adapting, as needed, based on the needs of individual learners.
  • Have robust QA (quality assurance) practices and specialists within the field perform annual SEND reviews across our Trust family of schools.