Welcome to
The Trust at the heart of the Batley community
We feel passionately about the importance of positive relationships with our key stakeholders. They play a crucial role in supporting our family of schools, acting as a critical friend and championing our vision and values.
Our governance structure below highlights our key stakeholders. You can find further information about their roles and duties under the headings below. If you find an area of governance that you are interested in and you want to discuss our governance opportunities across our family of schools, you can find further information here, alternatively you can contact governance.professional@batleymat.co.uk
Local Governing Board, Headteachers and Staff
Our Governors, Headteachers and staff are committed to providing the very best education, care and guidance to our learners. All three bodies work together to serve our local community - acting as a critical friend, championing our vision and values and abiding by the Seven Principles of Public Life (Nolan Principles). In Batley, we have also developed the Batley Ethical Leadership Charter.
Our Governors play a key role in alignment with our Board of Trustees and act as the 'custodians of culture' and the 'caretakers of promoting and celebrating their school’s uniqueness' - something we pride ourselves on.
Learners, Parents/Carers and Community
Young people are our core purpose and everything we do as a Trust across our whole family of schools is centred around providing the very best education, care, guidance and support for all our learners.
One of the most important relationships all our schools have is with the parents/carers of our learners. Young people are most successful when the communication between home, school and the learner themselves is strong. All of our schools have a Stronger Together (Parents and Carers Forum) which facilitates great communication between school and home.
Schools and families need to work together to support our learners to be the very best version of themselves each and every day. We firmly believe that our schools lie at the very heart of their community and community makes us.
Trust Central Team
Our Trust Central Team provides central services to our family of schools - providing support, guidance and advice on school improvement, professional development, leadership, finance, health and safety, site management, HR, data protection, good governance practices, IT and many more!
Members, Trustees and Committees
Members are custodians of the Trust. They have a hands-off role in terms of managing the Trust and act as a ‘check and balance’ on the performance of the Multi Academy Trust.
Batley Multi Academy Trust is a legal entity and our Board of Trustees have collective accountability and responsibility for the Trust, assuring themselves that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements.
The Board of Trustees provide:
Trustees must apply the highest standards of conduct, adhering to the Seven Principles of Public Life (Nolan Principles), ensure robust governance and effective financial management.
The Board of Trustees can comprise Member appointed Trustees and Co-opted Trustees.
Ofsted, Regional Director, ESFA, DforE, ICO and External Auditors
The Trust and its family of schools are heavily regulated and have several external organisations to which they are accountable such as Ofsted, the Education and Skills Funding Agency, the Department for Education, the Information Commissioner's Office, and our financial procedures are all closely monitored via our internal and external audit processes.
Schools are funded via public money and it is crucial that expenditure is used wisely and effectively to provide a great education for young people in the community and to improve their life chances and employability.
To view our board meeting attendance, register of business interests and sub committee information, please see the documents below.
To view each school’s LGB structure, please visit their website via the relevant links below:
Field Lane Junior, Infant and Nursery School
Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School
Manorfield Infant and Nursery School
To see an overview of our Governance practice, please take a look at the document below.