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Batley Multi Academy Trust

The Trust at the heart of the Batley community

CEO Blog

CEO Blog

  • The Batley Great Debate

    Mon 27 Nov 2023

    Last week Batley was delighted to host The Great Debate on behalf of the Historical Association. Mrs Wilby, the Assistant Headteacher at Batley Girls' High School, planned the event superbly well and the judging panel came from the universities of Huddersfield, Leeds and Newcastle. It was an extremely tough contest to judge with truly fantastic presentations from young people from Batley Grammar School, Batley Girls' High School and Upper Batley High School.


    Each young person taking part selected a particular focus from the local history of Batley which could be a business, a person or a particular point in time. They carried out thorough research and then presented their case as to why they felt this event/person/place should be remembered in history.


    It was a truly fascinating morning and we are all incredibly proud of all our young people and their superb contributions to the debate. The winner of the Batley heat was Lindsay from Batley Girls' High School and she goes through to the national finals. Well done to everyone involved.


    Teaching our young people about the crucial life skills of discussion and debate have never been more important and their mature, intelligent and articulate presentations were absolutely brilliant to hear. Well done to everyone involved and good luck to Lindsay for the national finals. 

  • People Make Places

    Mon 20 Nov 2023

    This week we would like to thank our whole community for their generosity, especially during an economic crisis when times are hard for everyone. People gave generously last week to the fundraising events across our family of schools, and the giving was not simply about money, but it was also (and much more so) about giving time to help others. 


    There can be no greater gift than the gift of time. This may mean giving your time to help someone else who looks a little sad or down, just by being there for them, to provide a listening ear. It might be calling a friend or a relative to say hello and check they are ok. It could even mean donating your time to help pack and deliver food hampers to families who need that little bit extra help and support. A big smile, a friendly face and a small act of kindness can mean the world to other people. No act of kindness can ever be underestimated.  


    This week staff from across our family of schools are generously giving their time for the People Make Places group to put together food hampers, toy hampers and festive packs. These will be added to over the coming weeks, and then delivered to families who need them the most, to ensure people in our community have the support they need during the December period. Community Makes Us and it's the unity in community that is key.

  • Lest we forget

    Mon 13 Nov 2023

    This week our Trust family of schools have been remembering those who lost their lives or were injured, and those who lost loved ones, in order for us to live life as we know it and for us to experience the freedoms we have today. We recognise they gave their tomorrows for our today.


    Currently we are seeing troubling times around the world. Our schools are supporting the humanitarian crisis by raising money for Save the Children and Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) and we thank all our young people for their mature approach, and for being proactive in helping others less fortunate than themselves. Our young people know the importance of community, and that community makes us. The unity in community is crucial; our school councils and student leadership groups have demonstrated some wonderful social action projects to ensure we do all we can to help others. 


    We wish those celebrating Diwali this weekend a Happy Diwali. The festival of lights celebrates new beginnings, light over darkness, and hope over despair. On this theme, we reflect on the words of the poet Amanda Gorman; "For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it."

  • Save our sports centre

    Mon 06 Nov 2023
    Welcome back! We hope you have all enjoyed the half term break and spent time doing things you enjoy with friends and family. Our school site teams have been very busy during half term with lots of IT developments and ongoing building and refurbishment works taking place, to ensure all our schools are great environments for young people to learn, and for staff to work.
    We are also campaigning to keep Batley Sports and Tennis Centre open. Thank you to everyone who attended the community meeting during the holidays. Batley Sports Centre is crucial for our young people to access sports provision for their main PE curriculum, but also for their general physical and mental wellbeing outside of school. Learning does not start and end at the school gates and community provision of this nature is essential, and beneficial to people of all ages.
    The Chair of Governors, from Batley Girls' High School, spoke eloquently at the open community meeting about why the sports centre is so important, and a learner from Upper Batley High School has been influential in advertising the campaign to encourage members of our community to sign the petition in support. The community meeting was arranged by Kim Leadbeater, MP, who supports keeping Batley Sports Centre open. We hope you will join us in this social action project to protect and preserve essential community facilities in Batley. Community Makes Us, and unity in community is key.