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Batley Multi Academy Trust

The Trust at the heart of the Batley community

Bringing our community together

Healey School hosted their Intergenerational Great Winter Get Together event last week bringing people together in the community; residents from Charles Jones' Court and a representative from The Kirkwood charity, as well as the families of Healey's school community. The school hall was packed with people of different ages and backgrounds enjoying refreshments, chatting and children playing - there was a lovely Batley buzz in the air! The event was also supported by local businesses who generously donated bhajis and pizza. What a brilliant way for everyone to spend a cold Thursday afternoon in January!
The Great Winter Get Together is all about bringing people together to tackle loneliness, through one connection at a time, and Healey provided the setting for exactly that. Everyone enjoyed a fabulous afternoon tea served by their superb young people, who were taking their roles very seriously and liked interacting with everyone! This annual event provides an opportunity for people from different ages to come together; young people are able to learn from their elders as they hear marvellous stories about their lives, their careers, their families and their hopes and dreams. There are some wonderful stories shared about Batley past and present, with plenty of laughs along the way. This is particularly pertinent as our young people are currently working with the engagement team who are partnering with Kirklees Council on the Batley Regeneration Project. 
One of the beautiful tea sets, used to serve the delicious afternoon tea, was donated last year by a fantastic lady who has lived in Healey for many years. She was so impressed by what the school was doing she donated her china tea set, which had been a wedding gift for her and her husband, along with a wish for it to be used and enjoyed by many generations to come. This is a heart warming example of how these events really do bring people together from across our whole community. 

Community Makes Us and the unity in community is key.