Welcome to
The Trust at the heart of the Batley community
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents/carers for their support in ensuring our family of schools had such a great start back to the new term, despite the challenges we face with the pandemic. We had a very strong uptake of onsite lateral flow testing in our secondary schools which helped to keep every individual safe, and our community safe overall. Our staff teams and older students return to twice weekly home testing now. Great attendance is key to a great education.
Our young people are also now reviewing the progress they made in the autumn term, and working hard every lesson of every day to achieve their very best this term. Our schools have a wide range of extra curricular activities underway, as we all know children excel when they take part in sports clubs and activities which help to develop their leadership & collaboration skills; curriculum clubs such as science club, and rocket club to engage and inspire; music lessons for inspiration & relaxation; arts & creativity projects, and Forest School/ outdoor activities to help develop their love of learning. Our family of schools has a great curriculum offer with something to suit everyone’s skills & interests, and we aim to encourage our young people to try new things and develop a real love of learning. Afterall, every expert was once a beginner.