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Batley Multi Academy Trust

The Trust at the heart of the Batley community

Community Makes Us and the unity in community is key. – 18 October 2021

This week our community is coming together for Activate Week. Getting active is a great way to make you feel positive and upbeat, and keep you fit and healthy. Our family of schools are taking part in this great initiative so that we can all keep fit and healthy, and to try to reduce traffic congestion in our community, and subsequently reduce pollution if we can reduce the amount of cars/traffic on our streets. There are lots of different activities being undertaken across our family of schools ranging from croquet to cricket, football to fitness classes, basketball to badminton and much more besides. There really is something for everyone. Many of our young people will also receive a special skills passport to track their success. As the saying goes “healthy body, healthy mind”. A bit of physical exercise really helps to get the oxygen flowing and release the feel good endorphins. So let’s all do what we can to get active this week, and maybe phone a friend to meet up for a walk, or park that little bit further away at the supermarket. Exercising with a friend is a great way to keep fit and keep in touch with others. Across our whole community the values of kindness and friendship can never be underestimated.