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Batley Multi Academy Trust

The Trust at the heart of the Batley community

People Make Places

Across our Trust family of schools we know that People Make Places.

Every half term one of our schools hosts an event to showcase their unique skills, talents, passions and ambitions for the future. Staff and young people from across our Trust family come together to share what they believe is special about working and learning in their school, and in our fantastic community. 
Last week we all visited the brilliant Field Lane School. The theme was "choose a job that you love and you never have to work a day in your life". Young people talked about their hopes for the future and career ambitions, and staff members shared their career journeys so far and what they hope to achieve in the future. It was an immensely inspiring event and well attended by people from across our community. 
This Thursday is our Trust-wide community careers event taking place at Batley Town Hall - Trust Us with your child's future and your career - everyone welcome. At a time of such division nationally, and across the world, it has never been more important to build a strong sense of belonging and hope for a brighter future for our community. Batley is a brilliant place to live, to work and to learn. Community makes us and the unity in community is key.